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The Collector Download

a5c7b9f00b Centuries ago, Morgan Pym made a deal with Satan: his soul, in exchange for 10 years with his one true love. After she died, Morgan - desperate to avoid eternity in hell - agreed to become a Collector, charged with collecting souls from those who&#39;d made deals with Satan. Morgan&#39;s deal with the devil includes one additional clause: Morgan is allowed 48 hours with each client to try and redeem them before they are condemned to hell... Wow! The first time I saw it was last year and I thought it was intense. I have been following as regularly as I can and I thought it was incredible as time went on. The way the devil has a different face is really good and the way it goes back in Morgan&#39;s life is helpful to new watchers who may be confused as to why he&#39;s not dying. There are some really good morals in it too. Morgan meets people who think that hey&#39;re helpless and tries as best as he can to help them find their redemption. Most of the time he does help them in the end but the devil is very tricky and usually turns up to throw a wrench in Morgan&#39;s plans. This is an amazing show all in all and the characters are great! The Collector is a great TV series. Well, for me in my own opinion.<br/><br/>I liked the TV series though it has a slow pace and has nowhere to go. I guess they did it on purpose. But the thing is if there are more to the series they should have at least prepared a script for a whole season at a fast pace because most of the 1st season of many TV series has this one just to introduce the main story of the series.<br/><br/>Another thing is I hate the flashbacks which is played all over again and again and again. I know they do this specially when the main character always tells something about his past but they don&#39;t really have to do the flashbacks a simple short conversation of the main character about his past would do.<br/><br/>And oh by the way I said it was kinda slow because most of it are repetitive which has really got nowhere to go. And now i&#39;m repetitively saying this over again...(lol) The good news is that the ending isn&#39;t that predictable because you wouldn&#39;t know if his clients are redeemed or not and there are some twists about this boy Gabe... and it will uncover a little more as the episodes progresses.<br/><br/>I would recommend for you to watch it and you&#39;ll be in for a great surprise, then judge it for yourself. You&#39;ll never regret it though.

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